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Flower Care: Peony

Rose Ottley

Hey there flower friends!

So we've finally moved into our new home and although we've still got a lot of cleaning and organising to do, it's great to only have to concentrate on one house! We're going to slowly chip away at it here as it was quite a big job to not only move but fix up, paint etc etc the new house we've moved into. I hope we don't have to do that again haha but it'll be worth the extra effort to live in a beautiful space.

I've had a bit of a lightbulb moment about myself, which is that I overthink things and get up in my head too much!. I've really struggled the past couple of years with how I'm doing with A Pocketful of Roses but the truth is that I'm doing good and I need to stop second guessing myself every second day haha. I've really let the imposter syndrome take over (oh it has been a journey!) how I've been doing things with my business and this beautiful flower community but I'm going to put one foot in front of the other and leave my head ha!

So, if you've subscribed to my email list you'll have received an email announcement (and a discount code!) that I'm holding my first workshop since 2018! Starting at the end of November up until the week before Christmas I have some dates available for fresh Festive Wreath Workshops. Because of physical distancing there will be limited places for each class but if there is enough demand I can potentially add more dates and times. If you want to read more about it you can click here and I hope to see you there! It'll be held at my home now that I finally have space to do so and it'll be so wonderful to have my home filled with the festive spirit.

Here are some pics from the last time I held a Wreath making workshop. It truly is one of my most favourite things to do. Look how GORGEOUS each wreath is!

If you don't want to make your own, I'll also be making wreaths to order, which you can do so here. I'm not sure how we're almost at Christmas already but I'm ready for a do-over from last year.

Now, onto some Flower Education, which is about Peony Flower Care! Yep, it is the true season for Peonies and let me tell ya they have a short season... a mere two months if that!

1) Facts:

Peony or Peony Roses are a beautifully scented flower with a globular shaped head of broad petals that surround its stamens and stigma. They’ve also been described by Marco Polo as Roses as big as cabbages. They come in every colour except blue! So white, pinks, red, salmon, burgundy etc are what we typically see but apparently orange, green and yellow. There are many different varieties and you can get herbaceous (or garden), tree and Itoh/Intersectional Peonies. Herbaceous Peonies are what most people are familiar with.

2) Availability:

Their natural season is from late October to mid December but you may see imports or greenhouse grown pop up around April/May. They’re native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America symbolising honour, good luck and prosperity and are the 12th Wedding Anniversary flower. They’re also the national flower of China.

3) Vase Life:

They typically last five to seven days but this can extend to up to two weeks depending on when they’ve been harvested and at what stage they’ve been bought. They will last longer if kept cool and flower food can also help. Holding them in the refrigerator at bud stage means that you can keep them longer but once taken out they will bloom quicker. Wrap the buds in dry paper, leaving the stems exposed or ends wrapped with damp paper towels and place horizontally in fridge.

4) Selecting:

Select bunches that are still in bud but are soft (not squishy) rather than hard when you lightly squeeze them and have some colour showing. Great for any designs including for weddings, bouquets, bunches, vase arrangements—everything!

5) Care:

Put in a clean vase of fresh water with some floral preservative. Snip at least 2cm off the stems when changing the water every two days or so. Ensure that no leaves are below the water line. Keep in cooler temperature, out of the sun and away from ripening produce and wilting plants.

They're so fascinating and I think I'm going to try and grow some for next year. I'll be sure to document it ... even if it fails! I do also want to point out that I don't remember everything about every single flower. Doing #APRflowerEd each week is helping to refresh my memory and also teach me new things I didn't know.

Peony Flower Care infographic:

How to open them up quicker:

If your buds aren't opening up and you need them for a wedding or dinner party, you could always try snipping the ends on an angle and putting them into a vase of warm water. I would also put them somewhere really warm or out in the sun and just keep checking on them.

Well, there you go! I hope this helps :). Gosh they're such an amazingly beautiful flower. Wishing you all a fab rest of the week!

xo rose

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