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Hydrangea flower care

Rose Ottley

Hey there flower lovers!

I hope all is well with you all. What a beautiful week it has been thus far! It's my last Christmas Wreath Workshop this week and I'm excited to be doing it again. Boy has it been a blast! I'll share some pictures at the end of it all. I really love holding workshops and having last done it two years ago, it has been a real thrill and kick up the bum to keep doing it (while I can because of y'know, Rona).

Anywho, #APRflowerEd this week is all about Hydrangeas! One of the best things about Summer for me! *heart eyes When that really hot day hit, I sat in the aircon and dared not leave at all and forgot about my poor plants scorching outside. One of them that really suffered were my purple Hydrangea bush.

They went from growing and thriving:

To wilty and brown .. not that this image really shows how damaged and unsavable they are.

But as you can also see in this pic, there is new growth and so it will be fine. Doesn't Mother Nature just bounce back! Bless her! But I was looking forward to snipping these and drying them.

On to Flower Education!


Hydrangea are a large, round flower head made up of clusters of colourful bracts which surround and protect the small flower in the centre. The name comes from the Greek from the word hydros, meaning water ~ Hydrangea LOVE hydration! They come in pinks, white, green, red, blues etc and there are many different species including the three more common ones: macrophylla (pictured); paniculata; arborescens.


Their natural season is from Summer to early Autumn and the different colours are an indication of the acidity of the soil. The less aluminium or the more alkaline, the pinker your blooms will be. The more aluminium and the more acidic the PH levels, the bluer your blooms will be.

Vase Life

They typically last between 7 to 15 days depending on when they were picked and how well they are conditioned. You can put them into boiling water for approx., 30 seconds, which opens up the sap plug and allows for water intake. If your blooms wilt, dunk the entire flower head into a sink or container of warm water for about 45+ minutes. When flowers perk up, repeat care steps as normal.


Select bunches that have green leaves with no bruising and bracts that are at least 70-80% open and that have straight, strong stems. It is believed they originate from Japan and North America symbolising different things depending on the culture in which it is viewed and also the colour. For example Pink symbolises heartfelt emotion.


Put in a clean vase of fresh water with some floral preservative and a drop of bleach. Snip at least 2cm off the stems and snip up the centre of the stem. Check water levels every day and mist them with a water bottle as they drink from the head. Ensure that no leaves are below the water line. Keep in cooler temperature, out of the sun and away from ripening produce and wilting plants.

I hope you got something out of this week's APR Flower-Ed! I'd love to hear if you know anything about Hydrangeas that I haven't covered. Christmas is almost here! I'm definitely looking forward to Christmas/New Year break time :)

xo rose

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