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What's in season?

Rose Ottley

Hello flower lovers!

I'm feeling more Summer vibes lately than Summer, argh! and I'm not ready for it haha. I keep telling myself that I need to head outdoors and enjoy the glorious weather we've been having lately and once we finally move (hopefully next week—we've laid down the sealer/top coat onto the floorboards and have to wait a few days before we can walk on it properly) and get settled in I'm looking forward to doing just that—but I see rain is on the horizon haha. I'm also loving the garden and look forward to getting into it. There are two large Rose bushes with enormous Rose heads (the sun beats on them all day long and so I've noticed they're getting damaged early) and it'll be awesome to see how long they last in a vase. I'm not quite sure what the variety is but I would love to add another rose bush with equally larger Rose heads in amongst them.

I took some images of the different stages of maturation, gosh I love Mother Nature! I don't quite think my images show how large they are. I'll definitely need to get some help with maintaining these beauties because I'm out of my league here haha.

And here's a little viddy:

I've really been enjoying sharing what's in season during Springtime! I can already see that I won't get to mention all of them unless they overlap with other seasons of course! But Spring truly is such an amazing time of year. This week for #APRflowerEd we have some beauties! Including Flannel Flower, which is actually an Australian native, Sydney too; Lilac, which has the loveliest scent; Snapdragon; Chincherinchee; and Delphinium. Lilacs are in season for a short while and Snapdragon, Chincherinchee and Flannel Flower will come to its end soon also.

I also wanted to take some time out to thank those who bought one of my One Design Posies. It felt really good to do that again! I'll be back in the very first week of November with One Design Posies—who knows, maybe they'll be featuring some delicious Peonies! You can pre-order here to avoid missing out as I'm still a one man show and so each day I am limited to a certain amount of flowers I can make up and deliver :). We might be in for some rain over the weekend, so stay safe and if not, go outside and get amongst nature!

xo rose

A Pocketful of Roses

Bouquet Preservation | Wollongong Wedding Flowers | Bowral Wedding Florist | South Coast Wedding Florist

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